“This is your one life. Think about it: If you dream of travel, it’s not as hard as you might think. You can find ways to make it happen.” –Rolf Potts
In this episode of Deviate, Rolf and Ernest talk about how “vagabonding” is defined, how Rolf has come to define home, and what the premise of The Vagabond’s Way is (2:00); how Rolf researched and organized the quotes and anecdotes and philosophies that went into the book (10:00); how mistakes and misadventures are an inevitable part of the travel process, and how time is one’s truest form of wealth (14:30); how the quiet experience of travel counts for more in life than travel that is performed for status (20:00); how no amount of planning can prepare you for the discoveries of each new day on the road, and how curiosity is more important than expertise on the road (27:30); how over-dependence on technology can compromise the novel experience of travel (33:30); advice for people leaving their country for the first time, advice for people traveling inside the US, and advice for keeping travel fresh over the long-term (38:00).
Ernest White II (@ernestwhiteii) is a storyteller, explorer, producer, and host of the television travel series Fly Brother, now in its second season on PBS and Create TV. Check out his subscription-based membership community, Fly Brother & Friends, which promotes travel and personal transformation.
Notable Links:
- Vagabonding, by Rolf Potts (book)
- The Vagabond’s Way, by Rolf Potts (book)
- Mary Oliver (American poet)
- Ross Gay (American poet and essayist)
- Thích Nhất Hạnh (Buddhist monk and author)
- The Daily Stoic, by Ryan Holiday (book)
- Commonplace book (compilation of knowledge)
- “Song of the Open Road,” by Walt Whitman (poem)
- Memento mori (philosophy)
- Souvenir, by Rolf Potts (book)
- Damara (mountain-dwelling people in Namibia)
- Duvall Street (tourist district on Key West)
- Bukittinggi (city in Sumatra)
- Randang (Minangkabau meat dish)
- Culture shock (cross-cultural anxiety)
- Isan (rural northeastern region of Thailand)
- Sørumsand (town in Norway)
- Fly Brother Season Two (TV show season)
- Junction City (town in Kansas)
The Deviate theme music comes from the title track of Cedar Van Tassel’s 2017 album Lumber.
Note: We don’t host a “comments” section, but we’re happy to hear your questions and insights via email, at deviate@rolfpotts.com.