“In the Hong Kongs and New Yorks and Londons of the world you need to find ways to get outside, because it can be depressing to be in a great world city and be trapped in an 800-square-foot space.” –Rolf Potts
In this episode of Deviate, Rolf and Rueben discuss what it’s like to come home after a life-changing journey, sharing the story with others, exploring one’s own hometown on foot (2:00); the wisdom captured in quotes, and the power of poetry (22:00); the notion of what is possible in less-expensive cities and neighborhoods, avoiding consumerist living, and spending money locally (35:00); the excuses people make to postpone taking their dream trips, and how friends and family can keep you accountable (45:30).
Reuben Dreiblatt is the host of “The A.T. With You & Me,” a podcast about through-hiking the Appalachian Trail.
Notable Links:
- Van Life before #VanLife (Deviate episode)
- Long-distance hiking at home (Deviate episode)
- Friluftsliv (Norwegian ethos of being outdoors)
- The World Beneath Your Feet (documentary)
- Matt Green interview (Deviate episode)
- Souvenir, by Rolf Potts (book)
- Lower East Side Tenement Museum (NYC museum)
- What narrative therapy is (Deviate episode)
- Commonplace book (journal method)
- Wanderlust, by Rebecca Solnit (book about walking)
- Walt Whitman (American poet)
- Standing on the shoulders of giants (metaphor)
- Ed Buryn interview (Deviate episode)
- Asheville (city in North Carolina)
- 52 Places to Visit in 2022 (New York Times article)
- Gary Snyder (American poet)
The Deviate theme music comes from the title track of Cedar Van Tassel’s 2017 album Lumber.
Note: We don’t host a “comments” section, but we’re happy to hear your questions and insights via email, at deviate@rolfpotts.com.