I am by nature an introvert – and this instinct can really kick in when I’m around people who don’t speak English. Usually, in a place like Asia, someone will come over and try to strike up a conversation, but these women did not. At least, not at first. I took this picture not long…
Unrealistic fantasies about alternate existences are one of the joys of travel
Travel has a way of making you imagine yourself living alternate existences. Sometimes these daydreams are the result of genuine cross-cultural empathy. Just as often, however, they are pure fantasy. I saw this little island on the high-speed ferry to the Mentawai Archipelago from the Sumatran mainland. It seemed perfect somehow, with its white-sand beach,…
When getting lost is neither an adventure nor a misadventure, but just is what it is
When we recount our travels to other people, it is common and understandable to leave out those throwaway afternoons when a simple task goes awry in a banal way. Misadventures, of course – those spectacular and at times melodramatic failures of the expected – are the bread-and-butter of travel writing. But it’s less common to…
People of Sumatra #11: Toikot, Mentawai shaman-elder of Siberut Island
I met Toikot on Siberut, the largest island in the Mentawai Archipelago, off the western coast of Sumatra. Toikot is 78 years old. Like most Mentawai men his hair has remained jet-black into old age, and his lean, ropy muscles would put even Iggy Pop to shame. His full-body tattoos mark him as a shaman,…
I acquired some of my best travel-superpowers teaching English in Asia
Of all the travel-instincts I’ve built up over the years, few compare to the hard-won skills I learned during my two-year stint as an English-conversation teacher in South Korea. As exhausting at that job could at times be, it taught me how to interact with people who have yet to master spoken English. It made…
People of Sumatra #10: Ling, the vagabonding host of Bukittinggi
Hello Guesthouse in Bukittinggi has an unassailable word-of-mouth reputation among backpackers who’ve been to this part of Sumatra – in large part because of Ling, who co-owns the place with her parents, and knows a little bit about everything there is to see and do within a 100-mile radius of the city. The work that…
A few thoughts on the travel moments we leave out of our travel narratives
More often than not travel writing (and, in particular, travel Instagram) leaves out those necessary but far less glamorous moments of travel that are nonetheless essential if the travel — and travel writing — process is going to happen. I’m thinking of those small moments of running errands, doing laundry, waiting in line at train…
When you’re a hungry traveler, following crowds is better than crowd-sourcing
Here’s a real-life travel parable for you. It happened to me in the western Sumatran city of Bukittinggi, when I was hungry and wanted to find a place to have dinner. Having been in the Bukittinggi area for more than a week, I wanted to try a local specialty. Ever since I’d visited the pacu…
Mobile navigation apps have shaken up my lifelong romance with paper maps
About a week after embarking on my winter journey through Asia, I wrote the following passage in my journal: “More than steak or bourbon I am dying for a decent map to Sumatra.” Indeed, as much as I have celebrated the joys of motorcycle travel here in Sumatra, the journey has been complicated by the…
People of Sumatra #9: Zul (aka Bandalo) on the ebb of the Banana Pancake Trail
People of Sumatra #9: Zul (aka Bandalo). Arlen Nova’s Paradise Homestay has been on the shore of Lake Maninjau for nearly a quarter-century now, though Zul has only been the manager for the past few years. As with most of the people who live in this part of Sumatra, Zul is Minangkabau, which is the…
A whimsical swim to Tarandam, Lake Maninjau’s island of giant bats
When I arrived at Lake Maninjau in western Sumatra and saw this steep-sloped little island sitting half-a-kilometer across the water from the front door of my guesthouse cottage, I knew I’d have to swim out and see what was there. As I’ve traveled over the years, I’ve come to realize that a given travel moment…