“The Faces,” by Robert Creeley (1983)

The faces with anticipated youth look out from the current identifications, judge or salesman, the neighbor, the man who killed, mattering only as the sliding world they betoken, the time it never mattered to accumulate, the fact that nothing mattered but for what one could make of it, some passing, oblique pleasure, a pain immense…

What it’s like to spend a full year traveling within a day’s radius of your home

Deviate With Rolf Potts
What it's like to spend a full year traveling within a day's radius of your home

What it’s like to spend a full year traveling within a day’s radius of your home, with Alastair Humphreys

Notes on “Walk and Talk” (a peripatetic salon across northern Thailand)

Late last year I had the honor of participating in a seven-day, 100-kilometer “Walk and Talk” across northern Thailand. Organized by futurist Kevin Kelly and writer-photographer Craig Mod, a “Walk and Talk” mixes long-distance hiking during the day with an in-depth, one-topic-per-night “Jeffersonian conversation” over dinner each evening. Our ten hand-picked participants, strangers to each…

Sports, superstitions, and sacraments: A Deviate Super Bowl Special (2024 remix)

Deviate With Rolf Potts
Sports, superstitions, and sacraments: A Deviate Super Bowl Special (2024 remix)

Deviate Super Bowl Special: Superstitions, sacraments, and the weird emotional power of sports

Tim Ferriss and Rolf discuss travel, time wealth, and “success management”

Deviate With Rolf Potts
Tim Ferriss and Rolf discuss travel, time wealth, and "success management"

Bestselling author Tim Ferriss and Rolf discuss travel, time wealth and “success management”

The best journeys explore mindscapes as well as landscapes (book club remix)

Deviate With Rolf Potts
The best journeys explore mindscapes as well as landscapes (book club remix)

Road rituals, imagination, and bringing the mindset of travel back home (Vagabond’s Way book club remix)